We may have completely neglected to post about this. If you are a big animation-head, you can skip this because you already know about Animation Archive. Hopefully, tho, there are some out there who are just waiting for someone to give 'em them the green light.
Go! already! and follow all those links! There are illustration treasures galore waiting for you!!
That is a little bit too short, really... try this if you feel cheated.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
From Cartoon Brew, this color key from one of my favorite animated films: 101 Dalmations. What a work of art.
Sergey Tyukanov certainly knows what he's doing.. go forth and learn, y'all!!
Has this ever happened to you? You are asked to design a video game, and you have lined up all kinds of great alterna-celebs like Mark Mothersbaugh, Steve Albini, and The Boredoms, and you have a great title like "Duelin' Firemen!" and it's all looking great!
Then, wouldn't you know, everything gets wrecked when you forget to stop taking millions of drugs, and go completely Crazy Land with your camera.
Darn! All that work, and it winds up looking like Krofft Super Power Hour.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Aw heck... show us an animated trumpet and you win us over.
BEHOLD! THE MIGHTY THOR! The only Kirby character left who hasn't been ruined by having a Hollywood movie made about him!
Cartoon Brew alerts us that Frédéric Back has a new website, and that it is packed with his beautiful, organic-looking animation. Do yourself a favor and set aside an hour to relax and lose yourself in this material. MMMMmmmm.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Yes we remember writing about this only a little while ago, but now that we have seen the Civil War robot action of the (boundlessly creative and talented) Mike Mignola's The Amazing Screw-On Head, it merits another mention. This 20 minute trailer (for a potential TV show?!) has much more than 20 minutes of entertainment compacted into it... probly 45 minutes, maybe even an hour. It's amazing what they can do with Science these days!
We've been getting heavy canvas bags of mail, lately, complaining about how few French websites we have shared with you, our worldwide readership, lately.
Our apologies, world!
Here is the exceptionally wonderful Singeon blog, which is full of delights that don't play well with our Firefox browser. We hope they work better for you, because for a fraction of a second they look wonderful.
A doff of our electronic hat to the electrifying Monster Brains for bringing this to our attention.
And you thought the Speak and Spell was only for phoning home.
And from cartoonbrew, an invitation to check out Andrew Brandou. Those Golden Books bunnies finally gets to beat up all those crappy New York Times op-ed page graphics. How satisfying is that?!
(The Golden Books link illo I included is not by Brandou; it is by Tibor Gergely, which is the best name ever given to anyone by their own parents.
Full disclosure: in my household, a Tibor Gergely is a type of wrestling maneuver.)
I probly mentioned this before, but PLEASE be careful to check the English Russia blog regularly.
Because Russia is where all the interesting things happen.
Afanasy Nikitin was the first Russian to explore India, which he wound up doing in about 1466.
In history books you will find very little about his dealings with the Shuisky sisters, or Alnus Rugosa, or Das Brick, because I made them up.
Ali Qushji and Perkin Warbeck and Jami the Persian Poet were real people, who sadly never really had anything to do with Russia or Afanasy Nikitin. The Kreml, while a real place, was probably not as fun as it appears herein.
So abandon all pretence of learning about historical Russia, ye who enter here.