Monday, January 12, 2004

Foma ignored everyone around him and continued crouching over the icy puddle, disturbing the water periodically with his thumbs, and daubing the manure onto his face. He appeared to be making the letter L, or a sideways smile, or some kind of imaginary scar.

ANNA: You don't know where that manure has been, Foma. That could irritate the skin, or

FOMA: This is going to make me a WARLORD, man. A WARLORD.

HAJI-GIREI: It will keep the flies away from the rest of us, which I look forward to.

F: You have no IDEA how many powerful people wear these markings, to distinguish themselves from zombies like YOU. HA! This is probably the best day of my whole life!!

AFANASY: Foma, do you mind getting some firewood together? I'm going to incinerate you.

F: What's that?

AFANASY: Nothing.