Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I keep getting these
agitated emails,
along the lines of
"Geez, Das, don't you ever listen to
Japanese indie music from the 80s?"

Sure I do!
Check out all this great stuff:

(1) My all-time fave compilation,

(2) The very entertaining
(not to be watched
on a full stomach tho)

(3) The impossible Plastics;

(4) Tenko, the irritable mother-in-law of 80s Japanese avant-garde;

(5) After Dinner, the beautiful girl who went to art school, and you snickered because she's so pretentious, but she actually made really great music;

(6) The incorrigible Scylla and Charybdis of undanceable pop: Syzygys
(which is Scylla plus Charybdis, innit??)


(7) the one that got away - Gyakufunsha Kazoku! I have not seen it!
but I have seen the actress Youki Kudoh in Jim Jarmusch's Mystery Train,
which is a GREAT 1980s film!

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